FM Liquidity Match

Finery Markets eOTC-as-a-Service takes our groundbreaking marketplace approach a step further in dealing with Liquidity Providers.

“To create something genuinely new, you have to start again, and we believe that with great intent we have opened a whole new world for businesses dealing with crypto.”

Konstantin Shulga, CEO and Co-Founder of Finery Markets

Go beyond an execution venue — delegate to us what hinders your growth

eOTC-as-a-Service will provide an All-in-One solution to

  • Establish a sub-account structure to manage your clients

  • Stream orders from other LPs with or without your own liquidity to the accounts of your clients

  • Aggregate and resell liquidity from multiple LPs using our Matching Engine

  • Manage markups and overnight rates on a per-client and per-asset basis.

  • Utilize a risk management system to control the mark-to-market value of the customers' assets

How will I benefit from eOTC-as-a-Service?

Prime Brokers

Enhance Prime setup with benefits of electronic OTC access: Post-trade settlement, Firm aggregated liquidity, Minimal market impact

Liquidity Providers

Utilize Finery Markets' GUI, API, and Matching engine for client management, and reporting. Enrich your liquidity or have a backup contingency plan with this product

OTC Desks

Automate your client operations with reselling firm aggregated liquidity from Liquidity providers on Finery Markets

Payment Institutions

Give your merchants an efficient and elegant API or GUI face to hedge and execute their trades, while you maintain control of their markups. No IT development is required on your end.

Lending Desks

Add liquidity provision service with no need to perform any technical setup. Simply have the necessary crypto-licensing.


Can I resell liquidity from other LPs?

Yes, you can — as a Master Account. Below are some detailed examples of how this might work.

How does FM Liquidity Match work?

Imagine you're a Liquidity Provider currently executing trades via phone or messenger and looking to transition to a digital platform. Here's how it would work:

  1. Connect with a member of Finery Markets' sales team to establish an account.

  2. Undergo KYC with the preferred Liquidity Providers (LPs) on the platform, chosen based on pairs, banks, and jurisdiction.

  3. Set up a trading limit with the LPs.

  4. Create a maker sub-account to stream your liquidity and set a limit for the maximum value of posted orders.

  5. Log in to the maker sub-account.

  6. Generate API keys and begin streaming prices using the key.

  7. Add your clients by creating taker sub-account(s).

  8. Configure limits, markups, and margin requirements (if necessary) for your clients.

  9. Commence trading. The system will automatically aggregate and execute trades based on the best bid or ask.

Or let's imagine you're an OTC desk seeking a contingency plan, looking to enhance liquidity offerings, or aiming to outsource liquidity aggregation:

  1. Connect with a member of Finery Markets' sales team to establish an account.

  2. Undergo KYC with the preferred Liquidity Providers (LPs) on the platform, chosen based on pairs, banks, and jurisdiction.

  3. Set up a trading limit with the LPs.

  4. Add your clients by creating taker sub-account(s). They may trade through GUI or through API

  5. Configure limits, markups, and margin requirements (if necessary) for your clients.

  6. Start reselling. The system automatically aggregates and executes trades based on the best bid or ask.

Would I settle with every LP individually?

Yes, you would be settling with them individually while your client would be settling with you only. Please keep in mind the LPs will release crypto once you settle your leg of the trade (see Settlements for more details)

What is the limit that Finery Markets is referring to?

It's a value agreed upon by both you and the Liquidity Provider (LP) for trading. All trades on Finery Markets operate on a post-trade settlement basis. To initiate trading with each other, counterparties must set their counterparty limits. This regulates the maximum potential open position with a specific counterparty. To learn more, please refer to the Risk Management article.

Could sub-accounts have multiple authorized users?

Yes, they may have up to 10 authorized users with different sets of rights.

If you are a current user of the eOTC-as-a-Service account, please select a role to learn more

Master AccountSub-Account

Last updated