
Assign roles to your employees and control access to parts of the system

Do you offer multi-roles for my account?

Yes, we do. It is available by clicking on your name in the top right corner and following up with users and roles.

Which roles may I choose for the account?

You have the option to select roles available to your employee from the list. Keep in mind that you may select multiple roles and have the right to change them on demand.

View-mode - the user will be able to view all the tabs on the platform. However, will be unable to perform any actions. This a default option

Trading - the user will be able to execute trades

Trading limits - the user will be able to adjust and change trading limits

Settlement operations - the user will be able to view open positions and control the settlement process, including committing to transactions, creating them, and making requests for settlement

API Keys - provides the rights to issue new API keys for the account and delete current ones.

User management - will provide rights to add and delete users, and control existing ones, excluding your master account

Is View Mode the default option?

Yes, it is.

What API methods each role has access to?

Role name in API: READ_ONLY

Available methods for this role:

  • keys

  • getUser

  • getUsers

  • dealHistory

  • settlementHistory

  • subaccountsSettlementHistory

  • settlementTransactionHistory

  • subaccountsSettlementTransactionHistory

  • getClientData

  • sendTakerInviteLink

  • cancelInviteLink

  • getInvitesList

  • getSignatoryData

  • book

  • getUsername

  • instruments

  • climits

  • cAssetLimits

  • cShortSalesBan

  • cSubaccountsShortSalesBan

  • instrumentsWhitelist

  • instrumentMarkups

  • positions

  • settlementRequests

  • subaccountsSettlementRequests

  • settlementTransactions

  • subaccountsSettlementTransactions

  • getSubaccounts

  • subaccountsLimits

  • subaccountsDealHistory

  • subaccountsAssetLimits

  • getClientType

  • getCounterpartyInfo

As you can see from the above, all roles also have access to all methods available to the "View Mode" access level.

My employee needs to reset the 2FA or password, what should I do?

You would need to delete the user and then add them again.

  1. Open Users and Roles

  2. Find the employee who needs the reset

  3. Click Edit

  4. Press on the Bin Icon

  5. Confirm the deletion

  6. Add new user

Last updated