Voice Trading

Reserved for Market Makers. Add the trades performed over the phone, chat and the like.

Why would I need Voice Trading?

This feature is designed to register trades performed in a non-electronic manner. It is useful for consolidating all settlements and trade history in one interface. The trades will be reflected in your trading and settlement history, as well as in PDF reports.

  1. Click “Orders”

  2. Click “Type”

  3. Select “Voice Trade”

  4. Input the counterparty's ID. You can find it in the 'Risk management' section

  5. Select the instrument used in the trade

  6. Specify the price of the asset

  7. Specify the amount of assets traded at this price

  8. Press 'Buy' if you have bought the asset from the counterparty, or 'Sell' if you have sold the asset to the counterparty

Does the Taker need to increase the limit if the trade exceeds it?

Yes, both the global and the counterparty limits will be checked.

Last updated