Bulk Edit

Mass changes to the configuration using spreadsheet upload

Bulk edit is a function for parameters mass configuration across all clients via uploading a .CSV file.

Which parameters are supported:

  • CP limits per assets

  • Short sales bans

  • Whitelisting

How does the feature work?

Step 1. Click the 'Bulk edit..." button in the Assets & Instruments -> 'Assets' section (for limits per asset and short sales bans). For Whitelisting you will find the 'Bulk edit..." button in the Assets & Instruments -> 'Whitelisting' section.

Step 2. Create a new template.

  • Choose the assets, counterparties, and adjustments you want to edit.

  • Export the .CSV template with your current configuration data.

Step 3. Edit the .CSV

  • Open the downloaded .CSV file in your preferred spreadsheet application.

  • Modify the data as needed, using tooltips in the top cells for the data format guidance.

  • Save the file once all changes are made.

Step 4. Import the new file. Check that the format is .CSV

Step 5. Check the changes and start the config update by clicking the Update button

Step 6. The changes are applied to the system. You may use the feature again by uploading the same template with new changes.

Last updated