Position Management

1. How do you account open positions?

We account the open positions per asset (not per pair).

2. What do the assets in red mean?

The asset in red is a short position meaning that you owe “X” amount to your counterparty

3. What do the assets in black mean?

The asset in black is a long position meaning that your counterparty (CP) owes you “Y” amount

4. What is “Current”?

The "Current" column is the current value of each of your open positions (as well as the subtotals by counterparty and grand total at the top of the list) in USD.

As USD is the base currency of our platform, the value of assets you hold is reassessed against USD every 15 minutes. For instance, if you hold BTC as collateral, its value may fluctuate throughout the day to maintain the limit in USD. Consequently, your liquidity provider and the system may request you to top up the account.

On the screenshot above,

#4 points to the standing amount of one asset with a given counterparty (CP). As you can see, it has two values:

  • The amount of the asset itself (e.g. BTC) - it doesn't change as the market moves

  • One is the asset's mark-to-market USD value

#5 points to a subtotal of all positions vs a CP (calculated as the arithmetic sum of all your long and short positions with this CP valuated in USD)

6. What is “Price” and why is it changing?

"Price" is the mark-to-market value of the asset at any given moment.

7. What is “Overnight”?

"Overnight" is the overnight rate you are expected to pay for rolling your positions over. It is nominated in:

  • Interest paid in USD (daily rate)

  • APR %

Example: you are rolling a position worth $8000. The APR for this asset is 12%. In this case, the daily rate will be calculated as (8000 * 12%) / 365 = $2.63

Please refer to Non-Deliverable Trading to learn more.

8. What is "Planned"?

Unlike "Current", the value in the "Planned" column takes into account uncommitted pending settlement transactions.

9. What is the upward arrow for?

Click it to settle the selected asset with your counterparty. A "Create transaction" pop-up will appear; you will also be taken to the Settlement Transactions interface.

Last updated