
This article is for the Makers who wish to personalize their price stream per taker.

Is it possible to have multiple price streams?

Yes, a maker can have multiple accounts to meet their needs. However, we offer a more convenient tool for providing different price streams per taker. A maker can control the spread using the markup feature available under the Assets & Instrument -> Markups tab.

Please keep in mind that the material in this article only applies to price streams from a Maker to a Taker. If you are a Master streaming your own liquidity and at the same time reselling liquidity from other Makers, please refer to the "How to set up a markup" section of the Master Accounts page.

How do I set up a markup per taker?

  1. Go to Assets & Instrument -> Markups tab.

  2. Click 'Configure'

  3. Select Takers you wish to set up markup for (all are selected by default)

  4. Chose between Default markup and Markup per Instrument.

  5. For Default markup input the value in %. For example, to implement a 4 bps markup you would need to type in 0.04

Can I set different markups for different instruments?

Yes. In order to do so, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to Assets & Instrument -> Markups tab.

  2. Click 'Configure'

  3. Select Takers you wish to set up markup for (all are selected by default)

  4. Choose Markup per Instrument

  5. Select one or more instruments (all are selected by default)

  6. Enable instument markups

  7. If you wish to set up different markups for bid and ask, tick the respective box

  8. Set up the markup

  9. Click "Apply"

Use default markup for broad consistency, and instrument markup for precise control over specific pairs to meet unique trading needs.

Default markup is a standard rate applied to all trading pairs, ensuring consistent markups across all pairs, including new ones. This rate can be zero or even negative.

Enable Instrument markup to set custom rates for specific instruments, overriding the default markup. You can tailor different bid and ask quotes for individual instruments or groups like fiat<>crypto.

Last updated